

GINI Educational Technology Co.,Ltd. has been dedicated to the educational technology industry for decades. Its service expands over Asia. Our vision is to create a system of Cloud educational services without borders. GINI Educational Technology Company originated the e-learning network platform in October, 2005. We have developed into a educational technique corporation group which includes several network platforms of Language training: a system of English teaching materials, system of technological development, a system of research development, and a Multimedia production services system. We are a synthesized educational technology corporation group which provides Educational Training, Educational Research and development, and Educational Service.


京尼教育科技的团队富有创意丶活力提供最高的服务质量。开发了包含Ginipad,云校24,Giscoo巨师库及School Home家校讯息通四大云端平台,各项载具丶平板与手机等操作接口,满足您多样化的需求。 京尼教育科技的教材皆聘请国内资深教育者作为主编,并搭配数十名英丶美专业教育背景的外国教师群,成立教育编辑研发团队。针对各年龄层学员与各种语言教育需求,编写开发各种教材成为业界先驱。


截至2014年12月31日,京尼教育科技服务对象,已经在全国超过了380所学校丶1100家培训机构以及60间大型民间企业。自成立以来,京尼教育科技累计面授学员近180万人次。 京尼教育科技具备数字教材客制化服务,针对不同需求研发云端数字教材,包含在线教学丶练习与测验。数字时代同业竞争激烈,唯有京尼能为您创造差异,扩大优势。



In the new era of technology, it's always our greatest goal to improve the way of teaching and enhance the learning effect by using high-tech tools. Nowadays, countries and cities are aiming at combining education and technology, which is going to be the tide of future. After ten years of researching, developing and testing, we accomplished a whole new system that is capable of advancing the way of teaching and learning.